1.5 mill EMS levy - Approved - 11-7-2017 – Continuous (permanent) levy
2.0 mill Fire & EMS levy – Approved as a replacement, continuous (permanent) levy -11-8-2022
1.0 mill Fire & EMS levy – Approved as a renewal 11-5-2019 – 5 year levy expires 12-31-2023
1.0 mill Fire & EMS levy - Additional approved 11-8-2022 - 5 year levy expires 12-31-2026
Levy terminology:
New: Additional, never before voted upon
Renewal: Tax payers' tax burden does not increase above what it currently is; tax burden stays exactly the same. In reality, the millage amount therefore decreases
Replacement: New property values are considered, therefore most likely the tax payers' property tax will increase.
Continuous: Never needs to be voted upon again; although it may be placed upon the ballot again for a replacement. If that is voted down, the continuous levy is still collected, just not at the higher rate.